I grew up in the era when clothes were actually ironed and was always intrigued when Mom would take a wet, wrinkled garment and, with the combination of the iron’s heat and her pressure, transform the garment from an unacceptable to a wearable condition. Wanting to follow her model, I would ask to “help.” She first taught me how to iron her embroidered dishtowels. One set of seven towels provided the time management guidelines for her week—wash on Monday, iron on Tuesday, mend on Wednesday, clean on Thursday, shop on Friday, cook on Saturday, and worship on Sunday. More importantly than the ironing skill Mom imparted, her time management skills challenged me to be excited about integrating them into my life. Though I am a Certified Family and Consumer Scientist by education and profession, I learned the “how tos” of time management by assimilating what she modeled.
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